Saturday, January 08, 2011

Challenge #1 - Vegetarian for a week

I started my first challenge of 2011 yesterday -- and that means no MEAT for a week. So far, so good, and it actually wasn't too hard. Breakfast stayed the same as usual, yogurt and granola (I think breakfast is probably the easiest time not to eat meat, except when bacon or sausage are offered....mmmm).

Lunch was a salad, some honey pretzels, a banana and a cheese stick! Just a heads up, at work I usually pack lunches that an elementary child would eat, so as long as I don't put cold cuts on a sandwich, avoiding meat is fairly easy here as well.

For dinner I split spinach and artichoke dip with Liz before we hit up the Rodeo (more on that later...)

And that's it! No meat, no problem. I think the weekend is going to be significantly harder, so I guess I gotta get my will power ready.

1 day down, 6 to go.