27th - 1.75 mile run!
29th - 1 mile run!
30th - 2.25 mile run
Friday, December 30, 2011
Posted by Marci at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
xmas workout!
1000M row (4:30)
1 mile run (8:16)
2 sets of:
10 squats on balance board
10 OH squats (12#)
Posted by Marci at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
3 rounds for time of:
20 push ups
30 kb swings (20#)
25 doubleunders
Posted by Marci at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
lunch break work out!!!
3 rounds for time of:
20 pull ups
20 dips
20 thrusters (10# dumb bells)
then 10 min on the elliptical cool down
Posted by Marci at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 09, 2011
4 rounds for time of:
12 wall ball shots (10#)
12 box jumps
12 bodyweight squats
12 sit ups
12 double unders
Posted by Marci at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
4 rounds of:
Run 400M
10 Deadlifts (15# dumbbells)
10 Bent over rows (15# dumbbells)
15 sit ups
Posted by Marci at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Monday, December 05, 2011
as many rounds as possible in 20 min of:
250M row
25 push ups
After 4 rounds I changed push ups to sit ups because I couldn't push myself up anymore. Finished 1 rep short of 7 rounds, for totals of:
1750M row
100 push ups
74 sit ups
Posted by Marci at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Wed night workout
3 rounds of:
30 seconds as many reps as possible of:
Wall ball shots (8#)
Kb swings (#20)
Push ups
Double Unders
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Posted by Marci at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving weekend workouts!
Thursday morning - Ran the Turkey Trot! 5 miles, 48:18
Friday morning - Swam laps for 50 minutes! Didn't count them though.
Saturday - 3 mile run
Today - Half mile warm up with Reese, then ran a mile trying to go faster than usual - 7:47. I think I'm gonna try to work on this mile thing and see how low I can go.
Posted by Marci at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sleeping at Last - Turning Page
Sleeping At Last - Turning Page
Posted by Marci at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 21, 2011
9 thrusters (30#)
15 pull ups
9 thrusters
12 pull ups
9 thrusters
9 pull ups
had to do less thrusters than originally planned because I hurt some muscle that i don't know the name of.
then practiced some other stuff:
50 double unders
10 one handed snatches (15# kb)
Posted by Marci at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
run 1 mile
row 2k
run 1 mile
total time was around 28 min.
total run: 17:36
total row: 9:12
Posted by Marci at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Paleo, halfway through
Well, I guess it's not quite halfway through Paleo week, but things are going pretty well. Been able to stick with it, and it's surprising that you can make some delicious things.
This morning I even had a smoothie!
Spoonful of Peanut Butter
Coconut Milk
Was pretty good, too!
Posted by Marci at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
row 500M
50 box jumps
25 push ups
50 sit ups
25 pull ups
25 dips
50 back extensions
6 turkish get ups (3 each arm with 10# kettlebell)
took around 20 min
Posted by Marci at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 14, 2011
funny looking animal of the week!
:) big smiles
via the daily frenchie.
Posted by Marci at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Challenge #11 - Paleo Diet
It's November already, yikes! That means I've got 2 more challenges left this year, so I guess it's time to give one of the diets I've been meaning to try all year a shot - the Paleo diet.
An easy way to think of the Paleo diet is "eating like a caveman." The theory behind it is that after the agricultural revolution we started eating MAD GRAINS and other stuff like that, making us gain weight.
Basically, you can eat stuff cavemen would have eaten: lean meats, seafood, nuts, veggies, fruit.
You can't eat anything else: no dairy, no gluten, no beans, no bread, no grains.
There are obviously a lot of other rules and nuances to this diet, but I won't get into all that here. If you'd like to learn more, there are many great resources online that you can check out! Here's a good place to start.
I took a trip to Pathmark (aka the nicest grocery store in Jersey City) last night to stock up on essentials - spent a LOT of time in the vegetable section.
Also made an eggplant/mushroom curry last night to eat for lunch today and tomorrow. Recipe here.
With a little planning, I don't think the Paleo diet is going to be too hard to stick to. Hardest parts for me will be: no dairy (love me some milk), and no beer!
Check back next week for results!
Posted by Marci at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Three rounds for time of:
30 wall ball shots (10# ball)
12 hanging squat snatch (40# bar)
Posted by Marci at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
morning runs
yesterday - 2 miles, 18:30
today - 2.5 miles, 22:43
Posted by Marci at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Friday, November 04, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Challenge #10 complete!
So my mysterious challenge didn't end up being that crazy: my mission was to say "Yes" to everything that was proposed to me. Kind of like that movie "Yes Man," only maybe not. I've never seen it.
Here were my only rules:
Say yes to everything unless it would cause me harm, or I already have other plans.
Anyways due to working a lot, honestly I didn't have that many things to say yes to. Wah wahhhh. But here's a rundown:
MONDAY: Spent an evening with Drita D'avangelo from MOB WIVES. It was really fun! I guess I said yes to this a long time ago, but I'll count it just for kicks.
TUESDAY: Worked until 10. Didn't have any proposals to "yes..."
WEDNESDAY: Had to work late, but still made it to dinner plans. Other nights I may have just skipped dinner after getting out late, but I went! And enjoyed it. Thanks, yes week.
THURSDAY: Flew to Vancouver for a weekend of work. Don't think there was anything to "yes" this day...except the delicious steak I had for dinner.
FRIDAY: Was offered a quail egg at dinner. Ate it! EEEk. It was actually good! Thanks, yes week.
SATURDAY: Was given an "amuse bouche" at dinner that consisted of: candied salmon over some sort of salmon mousse. Ordinarily not sure if I would eat this, but I did. And it was good! Also was offered a bite of the dessert, which I didn't really want, but I tried it anyways. I guess in this case saying yes was just doing something I didn't really want to, but oh well!
SUNDAY: Nothing to say yes to today! NUTS!
This ended my week of yes'ing. Unfortunately, it did not work out QUITE the way I planned. Most of my yeses ended up in me eating something. But I guess that's not so bad of a thing :)
Posted by Marci at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Love the Game
Nice little video keepin bball top of mind even with the lockout...
Posted by Marci at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Challenge #10: A secret...
It's October, which means it's time for my tenth Challenge of the year! This one's a little different, because I am going to keep what it is a secret until it's over...then I will give you my recap of how it went.
I started yesterday, which means that you'll have to wait until Monday to get the low down on how it went...
Posted by Marci at 12:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
4.7 miles (weird distance but I looped around and got back home and just decided to end it there)
Posted by Marci at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 10, 2011
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Friday, October 07, 2011
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
warm up:
3 rounds of:
row 500M
12 squats
5 push ups
5 burpees
10 push ups
10 burpees
15 push ups
15 burpees
10 push ups
10 burpees
5 push ups
5 burpees
cool down:
10 min on the bike
Posted by Marci at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 01, 2011
longest run yet!
12 miles!
1 hour 58 minutes.
Very proud I didn't even have to stop once. Much better than last week's long run...
Posted by Marci at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
oh sexism!
"It was a different time!" Obviously, because I'm not too sure Goodyear would get away with a line nowadays that says "When a woman's at the wheel..."
I think a nice update for this commercial to work right now would be putting Snooki at the wheel.
Posted by Marci at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
20 pull ups
25 dips
25 walking lunge steps
50 box jumps
20 double unders
30 kb swings
30 sit ups
20 back extensions
20 hang squat cleans
20 knees to elbows
30 wall ball shots.
took somewhere between 15 & 16 minutes...
Posted by Marci at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2011
funny looking animals of the week!
Sleepy Edition via Teddy Hilton:
thanks liz!
Posted by Marci at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Challenge #9 = complete!
Just ran 3 miles. 28:38.
Bringing my weekly total to...
Challenge complete.
Time to watch some Bills!
Posted by Marci at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 24, 2011
long run
Went 11 miles today! New personal best as far as distance in one run goes...but overall it was pretty frustrating. Had to stop a lot at the end, and I really wanted to do 12 but my body wasn't having it.
Special thanks to the high school kid who yelled "Run, bitch, run" at me from across the street. Pissed me off enough to get that last 1/2 mile.
Stopped my timer when I took my little breaks, so this time isn't exactly what it took total, but:
11 miles.
27 miles for the week so far with 1 DAY TO GO!
Posted by Marci at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 23, 2011
Adding more miles...
Yesterday & today I did short, nice and easy 2 mile runs.
Getting ready for a lot of miles tomorrow!
We're at 16 for the week... 14 to go!
Posted by Marci at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
morning run
3 miles. threw some hills in at the end.
Brings my week total up to: 12.
18 more to go! 4 more days...
Posted by Marci at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
funny looking animal of the week!
Good for a few laughs on a Monday!
Posted by Marci at 3:26 PM 0 comments
9 miles down...
Last night I ran 4 miles @ 37:53
This morning I went 5 @ 48:10
Which gives me a total of 9 so far for the week. 5 more days to go 21 more miles!
Posted by Marci at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 19, 2011
Challenge #9 : 30 mile week
Gearing up for the marathon so I really have to get after it this week with the running. I'm trying for a 30 mile week. Again, as with all running things I post, I know to a serious runner this isn't too great a feat, but to me it's something big! Over 4 miles a day on average is far more than I generally run.
So let's see if I can gut it out here and get myself a few steps closer to completing my first 1/2 marathon!
Posted by Marci at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 15, 2011
running milestone
Today I passed a running milestone for myself that a lot of people would probably find dumb and easy, but for me it's the farthest I've ever run. Today I ran 10 miles!
I know that anyone who actually runs considers this a less than worthy feat, but to me it was tough and I'm glad I did it. Actually felt better than I thought I would at the end.
Getting closer and closer to that 1/2 marathon, gotta keep getting better.
10 miles.
Posted by Marci at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
haven't posted runs in a while...
Thurs 9/8 - quick 1.5 miles before football watching!
Sat 9/10 - 8 miles. Longest run yet in the 1/2 marathon training. Took around 1:20...
Monday 9/12 - Rode around 7 miles on the bike.
Wednesday 9/13 - 4.5 miles in the morning. Close to 43 minutes.
Just about 1 month before the big race, gotta step it up!
Posted by Marci at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 08, 2011
hey girl, i had just come from the gymnasium
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
Posted by Marci at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
work outs
last night:
5 rounds of:
10 wall ball shots (10# ball)
10 kb swings (20#)
10 box jumps
10 dead lifts (60#)
10 burpees
cool down: 1000M row
this AM:
2 miles
Posted by Marci at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 05, 2011
labor day weekend runs!
Saturday 5k - 29 min
Monday 4 miles - 35:50
Posted by Marci at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Sara Bareilles does Mumford
This was one of my favorite songs from her concert last night @ Central Park (note: video not from last night. I just found it on the Internets!)
Posted by Marci at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Challenge #8 Complete!
I finished "The Write Stuff" Challenge last night. Was successful in writing for 1 hour every day, except Monday night I fell asleep after 30 minutes. I'm not sure if anything I wrote was particularly good (or good at all), but hopefully at least this will get me in the habit of writing more outside of work. CHALLENGE COMPLETE.
Posted by Marci at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Loyal Dog
Slain Petty Officer Jon Tumilson's dog refused to leave his side during the Navy SEAL's funeral last week....
Full article here.
RIP. God Bless Our Troops.
Posted by Marci at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
5 rounds of:
3 cleans (45#)
20 burpees
burpees are rough!
Posted by Marci at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Rating Hurricane Supplies
When there's a Hurricane a-brewin' near NYC, residents are treated like people who do not know how to deal at all (kind of like when there is frost in Florida in January).
So the local news told us to stock up on essentials - including emergency kits, batteries, food and water. A lot of New Yorkers I know took this list and added a few of their own essentials, especially since every subway will be shut down and we'll be pretty much in our apartments on lockdown…
Not sure what the propane tanks are all about, but I definitely agree that during a Hurricane Whey Protein is a necessity. If you gotta be chillin' at home you may as well be beefing up. Also note that the only things to eat here are Doritos and trail mix. I dunno what y'all are gonna do once you get drunk and wanna eat eat eat. Bonus points for the smelly candles though.
Grade: B. Substantial loot, but could have more food.

What's up, skinny girl margarita? I will wash you down with that white wine and then spit seeds from my melon. After that, it's nuts galore. Oh, and gummies throughout.
Grade: D. This shit ain't gonna give you nothing but a headache.

Grade: C+. Kudos on the flashlight, but I don't care much for pears.

Grade: A. Irene might make us gain weight.

Grade: D. Definitely a manly stash, but I'd be through that jerky in hours — where's my second course?
Posted by Marci at 10:13 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
morning run
6 miles
last night:
3 rounds of:
30 box jumps
20 kb swings (20#)
10 OH squats (20#)
abs & push ups
Posted by Marci at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Challenge #8 - The Write Stuff
I'm cutting it close this month, but this month's challenge starts TODAY (and lasts until the end of the month).
Basically, I realized that I don't write much outside of work these days. But this week will be different. This week I will write for at least ONE HOUR A DAY in addition to what I do for work.
What I write doesn't matter. Diary entries, poems, haiku, spec scripts, a novel, short stories, etc. I can write anything!
But I have to write.
That's the goal.
I'll keep you all posted.
Posted by Marci at 3:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Muppets: The Green Album
Ok Go sings the Muppets Show Theme Song. From the new album: Muppets: The Green Album. This album looks AWESOME! They have assembled a group of artists who I love for this album including: Weezer & Hayley Williams, My Morning Jacket, Rachael Yamagata, Matt Nathanson, The Fray and Alkaline Trio.
The Fray singing Mahna Mahna? Amazing.
Definitely buying this album TODAY!
Posted by Marci at 10:00 AM 0 comments
hey girl
ryan gosling breaks up fight on the street this past weekend.
um... hey girl. i might break up fights but i'll never break your heart.
video via jezebel.
Posted by Marci at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 22, 2011
Andy Levy apologizes to Chris Brown
EMBED-Andy Levy Apologizes To Chris Brown - Watch more free videos
Posted by Marci at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
Run 400M
5 Deadlifts (20# dumbbells)
Almost got through 5 rounds.
Then did pull ups for the first time since the great swollen arm pull up debacle! 3 rounds of 8. Will be monitoring the arms closely...
Posted by Marci at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
morning runs
yesterday - 2.5 miles.
today - 4 miles.
Posted by Marci at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
National Book Week!
It's National Book Week. The rules: grab the closest book to you. Flip to page 56. Copy the 5th sentence. Don't mention the book.
"The three of them ascend the stairs, sounds of merriment jingling up from the bar."
Post your sentence to comments!
Posted by Marci at 2:16 PM 2 comments
It's hard out there for a mouth breather...
As a mouth breather, these really hit home. And made me laugh a lot!
This campaign won gold at Cannes this year.
Posted by Marci at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 08, 2011
We did it!
Rusty, Uncle Howie and I did the Wilson Wet N Wild Triathlon this past weekend, and we all completed it! 600M swim, 20 mile bike ride, and a 5k run.
After the race. (Not gonna lie, I was a little dizzy in this photo)
It was really fun, glad we did it! My time was 2 hours and 8 minutes, not the fastest in the race but since my goal was just to finish I was happy with it!
3 things got me through the bike ride:
1. This song:
2. Hearing parts of this kid's speech in my head:
3. A kind of overweight woman passing me on the ride and saying "Keep it up, less than 2 miles left!" This was helpful because I had NO IDEA how much was left or how far I had gone and I was kind of losing it. Thanks, lady!
Also big thanks to all the people who came to watch and support us - we have the BEST family and friends in the whole wide world :)
Triathlons are fun... maybe I'll do one again some time...
Posted by Marci at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
The Social Animal
Reading "The Social Animal" by David Brooks, which is basically a look at why we do what we do based on our subconscious mind and social interactions. Brooks takes us through the lives of two fictional characters and tells us why they do what they do, how they develop/interact with their environment based on social cues. Pretty interesting stuff.
So far I'm only as far as high school with these characters. This quote caught my eye:
As the novelist Frank Portman has observed, the troika is the natural unit of high-school female friendship. Girl 1 is the hot one; Girl 2 is her sidekick; and Girl 3 is the less attractive one who is the object of the other two's loving condescension. For a time, Girls 1 and 2 will help Girl 3 with makeup and clothes and try to set her up with one of their boyfriends' less attractive friends. But eventually Girls 1 and 2 will let it be known how much hotter they are than Girl 3, and their ensuing bitterness toward her will become more and more obvious until they finally ostracize Girl 3 and replace her with a new Girl 3. The Girl 3s never quite have enough class-consciousness to collectivize and use their combined poser to throw off the yoke of their oppression.
Interesting thought. Trying to think of ways I've seen this happen in life, or in TV/Movies/etc...
Posted by Marci at 9:49 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 01, 2011
work outs!
yesterday: soccer game then 1.3 miles w/hoov
today: 25 min swim
Posted by Marci at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
little over 14 mile bike ride - around an hour
3 mile run - 27:07
Posted by Marci at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
wowowowowow, Alexander Skarsgard and Taylor Kitsch together. I don't know who to look at. plus, Liam Neeson! I started to get very excited about this movie. Then a giant-ass Transformer ship popped out of the water and I lost all desire.
"Prepare to fire"
"Sir, which weapons?"
"All of them."
Too bad, this one had potential.
Posted by Marci at 4:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Challenge #7 COMPLETE!
No TV is over! Thank goodness!! Since it's the summertime, I think it made it a little bit easier to steer clear of the boob tube. But I did feel an addict-like withdrawl sometimes, but I managed to pull through.
Funny thing is, I gots a Yankees game tonight and the MLS All Star Game tomorrow, so I won't even be watching TV til Thursday probably! CAN I WAIT THAT LONG?! ?! ?! !
Posted by Marci at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 25, 2011
work outs
yesterday: 2 miles. 17:47
today: swam 20 minutes.
biked 10 miles (34 min)
Posted by Marci at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Life in a Day
Beautiful looking doc that came out yesterday, made entirely of videos submitted from all over the world that were filmed on July 24, 2010. Looks pretty moving.
via yrfriendliz.
Posted by Marci at 4:49 PM 0 comments
damn, this looks really good. plus its got my Ryan Gosling, my fav... and Christina Hendricks for all you Mad Men fans.
Posted by Marci at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
No TV Challenge Check In.
It's been 5 days, which means two more and I can watch television again!!! Overall, it hasn't been TOO hard to stick to the challenge, I think mostly because it's summer and it's nice out (and a lot of shows are on hiatus)...
The hardest part for me has been to figure out what ELSE to do with my time. Which sounds really awful, like all I do is watch television and lay around (which is true), but honestly it's hard to find things to do every second of every day! Sometimes you just wanna lay down in your a/c cooled living room, grab a snack and watch some episodes of Teen Mom. Especially when it's 100's of degrees outside.
But all complaining aside, I've managed to fill the week with dinners with friends, work outs, the beach, and lots of reading. Finished a book in one week, which rarely happens anymore. But other than reading, once I got home from work and ate dinner, I was left with a feeling of "what the heck am I gonna do now?" Maybe it's sad and lonely, but I miss my TV.
Now it's Sunday morning and I've got a few hours to kill before my soccer game this afternoon. So I guess I'll cook up some breakfast, and... read. sigh.
Posted by Marci at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2011
work outs
Friday night: 20 min swim
This AM: 30 min bike ride (around 7 miles I think...)
Posted by Marci at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2011
little inspiration
to help you get through Friday...
Thanks, Cordes!
Posted by Marci at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2011
hot run!
2.5 miles
very sweaty now! like bikram running out there today!
Posted by Marci at 7:30 PM 0 comments
hot looking animal of the week.
its a scorcher!!! and this polar bear looks hot. This is also probably how I look when I'm sleeping on these hot nights. Except I look furrier.
via buzzfeed. more hot polar bears here.
Posted by Marci at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
50 reps each of:
Box jumps
KB swings
Sit ups
Double Unders
Push Ups
row 1000M.
Posted by Marci at 7:44 PM 0 comments
word on the street is that it's starting on Monday...
Posted by Marci at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Challenge #7 - No TV for a Week
Okay, you knew it was coming eventually - no television for a week. It's the perfect time for it. It's hot out, I should be enjoying the great outdoors and training for my quickly approaching triathlon. So here goes. Today is day one of no television for me. No sports games, no reruns of House Hunters, no Teen Mom... or at least not until next Tuesday.
Now some people might think this challenge wouldn't be much of a challenge - but these people do not know the love I have for television. There's not much I enjoy more than coming home from work, making something yummy and watching television until it's time to drag my lazy bones to bed. I take after my dad in this regard.
So let's see what I find to do with my extra time when television isn't an option. Will I be productive, or merely find new useless ways to entertain myself? My guess is the latter, but I guess we shall see...
Posted by Marci at 11:01 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
beyonce @ the billboard music awards
this is amazing. beyonce is my girl.
Posted by Marci at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2011
new bike!
bought an amazing new bike today.
then rode it around town for an hour. think it was somewhere around 11 miles
then 1.5 mile run. 13:03
Posted by Marci at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
4 rounds:
400M run
10 deadlifts (30#kb)
10 pushups
10 minutes on a spin bike
Posted by Marci at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2011
big sunday workout!
started w a 2 mile run - 17:38
went to the gym with hoover, did a physical fitness test on the bike, lasted 15 minutes. I'm in the 90th percentile for women my age! did a bit of abs, OH squats, bench press.
went to an outdoor track. ran 400M @1:34 and 1:37 with a slow lap after each one.
Posted by Marci at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Friday, July 08, 2011
Thursday, July 07, 2011
40-30-20-10 of:
Wall Ball shots (12#)
Box Jumps
Kb swings (15#)
Posted by Marci at 11:17 PM 0 comments
work outs
Monday: 2 miles. 17:34
Tuesday: Ran 1 mile w/Hoover then BOXED!
Wednesday: Swam 20 minutes.
Posted by Marci at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
young rich russians
From the New Yorker:
Images from photographer Anna Skladmann's new book "Little Adults," complete with commentary.
"When we came up to the rooftop, it was a beautiful sunny and crisp midday. Vadim asked me how many photos I was planning to shoot, and I answered “maximum ten.” As the flash lit up, he slowly counted to ten in his head. After the ten frames of my first roll were finished, he went back inside, put on his pajamas and asked for a cup of tea so he could sit in front of his television in peace. Naturally, I had wanted to shoot ten rolls of film, not just ten frames."
Check out more photos here.
Posted by Marci at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 02, 2011
bike 5 miles (30 min)
run 2 miles (17:54)
yesterdays run:
2 miles
Posted by Marci at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Challenge:Rivals Episode 1 Recap
By this time, The Challenge is an MTV establishment. When these people get together now, it’s like a drunken, incestuous family reunion — it’s great television. Even so, there are always ways to make things even more interesting, like by partnering people up with their most hated enemies. And that’s how we came to have The Challenge: Rivals. And oh what fun it is.
From the get-go, I roll through a host of emotions during the first five minutes, ranging from pure, child-like excitement, all the way to genuine tears. But who wouldn’t be excited watching the clips of some of the greatest fights in the history of The Challenge, and hearing Robin say that they’ve assembled the biggest group of assholes ever on the show? And who wouldn’t be moved to tears when host TJ Lavin reveals himself to be the host, after overcoming a really scary fall on his bike and going through a recovery that included a medically induced coma? I shed a tear right along with Jenn. And CT was there, too?! This seems too good to be true. But I had to quickly compose myself, because the Challenge was beginning.
TJ announces the teams one by one, and although it’s no surprise who ends up being paired together, watching their reaction to it is pretty fun. The two new rookie teams are pretty interesting additions to the crowd — Adam and LeRoy from the great Vegas season that just aired are no surprise but sure to stir up some trouble, while Jasmine and Jonna from Cancun caught me offguard, as I had kind of forgotten about them. But was quickly reminded later in the episode what an attention loving spastic person Jasmine is as she makes out with a dude on the first night, apparently forgetting her pledge to stay true to her boyfriend. Come on, that’s the sort of amateur stuff we’re supposed to get through in your Real World season. This is the Challenge, step up your game. Hit someone… (Adam Royer made this transition quickly, as we’ll see later).
But back to the game. The first challenge of the season involves being strapped to your partner, holding hands, and jumping off a cliff. I’m assuming most challenges this season will involve some sort of teamwork/being tied to each other aspect, so we get the most play from the Rivals theme. So far I’m liking it. Couple things stood out to me while they went through everyone’s attempts and the results:
1. Laurel is so much bigger than Cara Maria it’s like someone strapped a little doll to her side and she’s pulling it along. I love watching this.
2. Adam & LeRoy very surprising with the successful jump. I knew LeRoy was an athlete but Adam apparently can jump as well if not better than he can punch out walls. They might be an interesting team to look out for.
3. Two rookie teams take the win on this? Damn veterans step up your game. You can’t haze these kids until you beat on ‘em.
4. CT is there. I still can’t get over it. I love his baby blue eyes and his rage.
Since Evelyn and Paula Walnuts came in last, they will be going into THE JUNGLE to battle with another team for the right to stay in the game. Some basic lobbying occurs, with a few people telling Laurel she should go into the Jungle because it will be her only chance to take out Evelyn. Laurel’s all like “no way I ain’t crazy” and gets everyone to vote in Aneesa and Robin. Pretty straightforward vote. No back stabbing yet. And now that the voting is out of the way, everyone can party! So fun, right? WRONG.
Ty and Adam get drunk and in each other’s faces and Adam goes all Adam on him and throws a punch. As we all know, this results in his leaving. On night one. Which probably leaves this guy kinda mad about his first overall pick in his Reality TV Fantasy League. But he did get a nice amount of points in his short time there. Real impact player out there.
Mandy gets pushed over in the shuffle and hits her head pretty hard which leads us to a nice little scene where CT comes to her rescue, then makes fun of her big head in an interview… did I mention that I love CT?
Onto the elimination. But first, what will happen to poor LeRoy who is now partner-less? Will they send him home already? I pray that they do not. And I am rewarded! Big Mike from Vegas comes out to rekindle his bromance with RoyLee and they embrace with a tenderness that can only emanate from two grown men hugging it out on a wobbly wooden bridge. Now that that’s settled, it’s onto the Jungle.
Tonight's elimination? Evelyn and Paula vs. Aneesa and Robin in a weird game where they have to lean against their partners from futher and further away until someone falls. Several minutes of leaning go by and then Robin/Aneesa fall. It is not the most enthralling elimination, but hey, it’s only episode one. And already a pretty strong veteran team is out the door. Which pretty much means this whole thing is up for grabs. Should be an interesting season. The show ends with a montage of what’s to come, leaving me feeling giddy and excited like only reality tv can. Scene that sticks out the most? A big ol’ knee to the nuts. Eager to see who’s involved and why. I’ve got a weird feeling there might be alcohol involved.
That’s it for episode one! A good start to what should be a very interesting season. I’ll leave you with some teams I think might make it pretty far:
Kenny/Wes - Athletic dudes who have done this so many times. They both love to play political games, and are successful at it. This time they’ll be working together so I wouldn’t be surprised if they come out on top at the end.
Adam/CT - CT is on this team. Enough said.
Evelyn/Paula Walnuts - I’ve got a good feeling about them. Evelyn is a crazy great competitor, and in a game where Paula Walnuts is usually backstabbed by supposed friends, maybe it will pay off to work with an enemy.
Laurel/Cara Maria - Can’t ignore Laurel. Or she’ll kill you. And even though Laurel puts her down every chance she gets, I don’t think Cara Maria is that bad of a competitor. But I guess we’ll see.
My dark horse:
RoyLee/Big Mike - In a game where everyone is teamed up with an enemy, you’re at an advantage when you’re rollin’ with your homie. As LeRoy mentioned on the show, Mike’s smart and he’s athletic, so they’ve got a fighting chance.
Posted by Marci at 12:44 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
first brick workout!
20 laps in the pool. not sure how long that took...
5 miles on the bike. 17:22
short but sweet.
Posted by Marci at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
westin workout!
warm up 1 mile run.
4 sets of:
10 medicine ball cleans (8#)
10 deadlifts (20# dumbbells)
10 balance board squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups
cool down 1/2 mile run.
Posted by Marci at 12:11 PM 0 comments