Thursday, December 30, 2010

Marci's Favorite Things 2010 - OTHER SHIZ

So we've covered Movies, TV, Music and Books... I guess that's all really under the umbrella of "Entertainment." I know you must be thinking to yourselves... "What else besides entertainment was Marci keen on this year?" For Oprah, it was Z shaped brownie pans. But I'm not's what else made me happy this year:

nike+ sportband - greatest thing I could have asked my grandma to give me for my birthday last year. It's basically a watch that I wear while I run, and it lets me know my speed, my total time, my distance, calories burned and the actual time. Then I can hook that shiz up to nike+ online and they will show me all my runs so I can compare and challenge myself. I use it just about every day. Super convenient and great to track my progress.

real simple magazine - I think the main target demographic for this magazine is like 40-60 year old women, but I guess that just means I'm an "old soul." It has great design, some really good tips on organizing stuff around the house, and my favorite part - easy and delicious recipes! It's helping me prep to do a good job of being somebody's wife some day (fingers crossed).

white thermal shirt - I got a white thermal shirt at the Gap that I love. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes the simplest items make me so happy to wear. I throw it on with some JEANS, BOOTS and my orange hat and I look like I'm ready to go a-huntin'.

sperry boots - I got my first pair of these boots last December, and was given another as a present in early 2010. Thank goodness, because I wore the CRAP outta the first pair, and recently have begun wearing in pair #2. I love wearing them with...just about everything. Best boots ever.

crossfit- This is not a fitness program for the lazy... although I guess I'm pretty lazy most of the time. Except when I'm working out. Every day they post a new "workout of the day" on their site, and every day this work out gets my heart beating real good. Also very interesting philosophy about fitness and staying in good shape. Check out their website if you're looking to push yourself.

guacamole - I don't know how much there is to say about this except that it is delicious. I wish I had some right now.

baileys on the rocks - I guess this has been a more recent addition to the list, but nothing much beats a delicious glass of baileys on the rocks when you're hanging out at Malone's on a Monday night. And Tuesday....and get the point...(side note: when you drink a bar out of a specific drink, does it mean you have a problem?)

orange cashmere hat - I decided to treat myself at J Crew a couple months ago with a cashmere winter hat. I decided to further treat myself by choosing the most ridiculous color. I now have an orange cashmere hat. and I love it and will continue wearing it no matter how many people make fun of me for it. I know deep down they jus' jealous.

fantasy sports - Football, Baseball, Basketball, Beat the Streak, Pigskin Pick Em...I could go on and on. I just love me some fantasy sports. First off, it helps me quench my hunger for gambling without throwing away $100 at the casino on Christmas night (whoops). Secondly, it gives me something to do at work after I get home from a long, hard day's work. Lastly, throwing around fantasy sports stats is a stellar way to pick up a guy at a bar. Or watching your fantasy athletes on TV is a stellar way to pass the time when no one at a bar is talking to you...

the b.s. report- I read Bill Simmons "Book of Basketball" this year without knowing much about him. Now I'm always on the lookout for his next article on, and I also frequently look out for editions of the BS Report that pique my interest. I love Bill's writing style, but the thing I like best about the Sportsguy are his BS Reports with the Czar of Reality television. I never thought I would not only find people as well versed in reality TV as myself, but also ones that watch ALL THE SAME SHOWS as me. Even Bad Girls Club ("This is insanity..."). If you like sports and pop culture, and you're ever bored at work on a weekend or in the evening time, definitely check it out.

OK, I think that's about all I have time for now. 2010 was a year with some good shiz in it, as you can see. Hopefully 2011 will be ever better. But as long as I can still have guacamole and bailey's on the rocks (though not at the same time), there will be a smile on my face. Or maybe just a smirk. Either way, it will look like I'm mildly amused.