Wednesday, October 27, 2010

heard it babysitting....

Last night Val was full of wisdom -- per usual! Here's what he had to say about a variety of topics:

On basketball:
They have to run around a lot in basketball. That's why they have Gatorade.

On what he learned in school today:
I learned that if you have a problem you can still be friends with people. Like if you're blind, you can still have friends.

On Shaq:
Me: He's so big.

Val: Yeah... (he leans in and whispers) ...He's chubby.

On this commercial:

That's just inappropriate.

On marriage:
Val: Are you married?

Me: No.

Val: Why not?

Me: I guess I haven't met someone I want to marry yet.

Val: You have to get to know someone before you marry them. You need to know what restaurants they like, their name, where they want to get married, what kind of food they like... Like if they don't like sushi, you can't bring sushi home every night, because they'll say "I don't like that."

I guess I better start learning some guys names and favorites restaurants.