Tuesday, October 19, 2010

heard it babysitting....

For a child who had gone home sick from school due to puking at recess, Val had a lot of wisdom to impart on me yesterday.

On the NY Yankees:
"Do you that the Yankees are the meanest team?" (ed. note - not sure about this one, since he is a Yankees fan)

On the NY Rangers:
"These guys are professionals. They know how to skate fast and backwards. You know they have fake teeth?"

On the NY Red Bulls:
"When I watch the Red Bulls at their stadium they always pass the ball to the other team. I don't know why they do that."

On a Russian soccer jersey hanging on his bedroom wall:
"See that? That's for me to wear when I'm a grown up - like when I'm 16."


Rusty said...

I think 'heard it babysitting' should become a regular series on your blog