Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Stairwell Scare

Know CPR and first aid, blah blah blah...we've heard it since 7th grade health class but does anyone really care? There will always be someone around who can do first aid if it's needed, or you can just call for help, right? But what would you do if you saw someone who needed help and you didn't have the skills to help them?

In this Red Cross Canada campaign, anyone walking down the stairs will think that it is time that they learned first aid after they see this decal and find out how they react to danger.

This is a great example of guerilla marketing, it really would take a person off guard and hammer a message at them. I know if I was walking down those stairs I would not know what to do. Maybe it's time to start taking some first aid training...

(Found this at Coloribus Blog)