Only 2 teams remain, and the World Cup is coming to a close. American futbol haters breathe a sigh of relief while everyone else in the world gets ready for their most exciting event in the past 4 years to come to a close. Let's take a look at what's going on these days in the World of the Cup:
- An octopus has correctly guessed the winners to every World Cup game that he has predicted so far. By predicting, we mean throwing his eight arms around one of two boxes of food. Each box sports a flag of one of the teams that are about to play. His most recent prophecy was Spain over Germany. Now he's getting death threats. Poor guy.
- Norwegian porn star Bobbi Eden has tweeted that if Norway wins the World Cup, she will give all of her followers a BJ. Here's what she tweeted: “If #ned wins the #worldcup I will give a BJ to all my followers, together with @vickyvette @misshybrid @gabbyquinteros 4898 and counting RTless.” Only problem I see here is if she's got any women followers. Way to discriminate, Bobbi. Guess for 4898 people, a lot more than patriotic pride is riding on the result of Sunday's game.
- In similar news, a Paraguayan lingerie model who previously promised to run naked through the streets if her team won the World Cup says she's going to do it anyways. Well that's the never-give-up attitude that more people who plan to run around naked need to have. If the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl this year, I'll run naked through the streets of Buffalo. But only if they win. I hold my naked runs to higher standards than this woman apparently.
- A cocaine-filled World Cup trophy was seized at a Colombia airport. File this under "unsurprising." 24 lbs of coke was molded to resemble the infamous trophy.
- Labron James set to star in his own show tonight. Wait...that's not global news... Personally I'm more excited for Chad Ochocinco's dating show.
Also, gonna go ahead and predict that this guy's winning the cup on Sunday:

But don't quote me on that. I'm no octopus.
nice world cupdate. hope you are enjoying sandy beaches and caviar dreams right now
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